sendError('You need to install the ZIP extension of PHP'); } if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { return $this->sendError('You need to install the OpenSSL extension of PHP'); } $console = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('console'); $tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $path = rtrim($request->getParam('path'), '/'); if (file_exists($path)) { return $this->sendError ( "The directory $path already exists. You cannot create a ZF2 project here." ); } $commit = Skeleton::getLastCommit(); if (false === $commit) { // error on github connection $tmpFile = Skeleton::getLastZip($tmpDir); if (empty($tmpFile)) { return $this->sendError('I cannot access the API of github.'); } $console->writeLine( "Warning: I cannot connect to github, I will use the last download of ZF2 Skeleton.", Color::GRAY ); } else { $tmpFile = Skeleton::getTmpFileName($tmpDir, $commit); } if (!file_exists($tmpFile)) { if (!Skeleton::getSkeletonApp($tmpFile)) { return $this->sendError('I cannot access the ZF2 skeleton application in github.'); } } $zip = new \ZipArchive; if ($zip->open($tmpFile)) { $stateIndex0 = $zip->statIndex(0); $tmpSkeleton = $tmpDir . '/' . rtrim($stateIndex0['name'], "/"); if (!$zip->extractTo($tmpDir)) { return $this->sendError("Error during the unzip of $tmpFile."); } $result = Utility::copyFiles($tmpSkeleton, $path); if (file_exists($tmpSkeleton)) { Utility::deleteFolder($tmpSkeleton); } $zip->close(); if (false === $result) { return $this->sendError("Error during the copy of the files in $path."); } } if (file_exists("$path/composer.phar")) { exec("php $path/composer.phar self-update"); } else { if (!file_exists("$tmpDir/composer.phar")) { if (!file_exists("$tmpDir/composer_installer.php")) { file_put_contents( "$tmpDir/composer_installer.php", '?>' . file_get_contents('') ); } exec("php $tmpDir/composer_installer.php --install-dir $tmpDir"); } copy("$tmpDir/composer.phar", "$path/composer.phar"); } chmod("$path/composer.phar", 0755); $console->writeLine("ZF2 skeleton application installed in $path.", Color::GREEN); $console->writeLine("In order to execute the skeleton application you need to install the ZF2 library."); $console->writeLine("Execute: \"composer.phar install\" in $path"); $console->writeLine("For more info in $path/"); } public function controllerAction() { $console = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('console'); $tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $name = $request->getParam('name'); $module = $request->getParam('module'); $path = $request->getParam('path', '.'); if (!file_exists("$path/module") || !file_exists("$path/config/application.config.php")) { return $this->sendError( "The path $path doesn't contain a ZF2 application. I cannot create a module here." ); } if (file_exists("$path/module/$module/src/$module/Controller/$name")) { return $this->sendError( "The controller $name already exists in module $module." ); } $ucName = ucfirst($name); $ctrlPath = $path . '/module/' . $module . '/src/' . $module . '/Controller/' . $ucName.'Controller.php'; $controller = $ucName . 'Controller'; $code = new Generator\ClassGenerator(); $code->setNamespaceName(ucfirst($module) . '\Controller') ->addUse('Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController') ->addUse('Zend\View\Model\ViewModel'); $code->setName($controller) ->addMethods(array( new Generator\MethodGenerator( 'indexAction', array(), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'return new ViewModel();' ), )) ->setExtendedClass('AbstractActionController'); $file = new Generator\FileGenerator( array( 'classes' => array($code), ) ); $filter = new CamelCaseToDashFilter(); $viewfolder = strtolower($filter->filter($module)); $dir = $path . "/module/$module/view/$viewfolder/" . strtolower($filter->filter($name)); if (!file_exists($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } $phtml = false; $phtmlPath = $dir . "/index.phtml"; if (file_put_contents($phtmlPath, 'Action "index", controller "'.$ucName.'", module "'.$module.'".')) { $phtml = true; } if (file_put_contents($ctrlPath, $file->generate()) && $phtml == true) { $console->writeLine("The controller $name has been created in module $module.", Color::GREEN); } else { $console->writeLine("There was an error during controller creation.", Color::RED); } } public function methodAction() { $console = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('console'); $request = $this->getRequest(); $action = $request->getParam('name'); $controller = $request->getParam('controllerName'); $module = $request->getParam('module'); $path = $request->getParam('path', '.'); $ucController = ucfirst($controller); $controllerPath = sprintf('%s/module/%s/src/%s/Controller/%sController.php', $path, $module, $module, $ucController); $class = sprintf('%s\\Controller\\%sController', $module, $ucController); $console->writeLine("Creating action '$action' in controller '$module\\Controller\\$controller'.", Color::YELLOW); if (!file_exists("$path/module") || !file_exists("$path/config/application.config.php")) { return $this->sendError( "The path $path doesn't contain a ZF2 application. I cannot create a controller action." ); } if (!file_exists($controllerPath)) { return $this->sendError( "The controller $controller does not exists in module $module. I cannot create a controller action." ); } $fileReflection = new Reflection\FileReflection($controllerPath, true); $classReflection = $fileReflection->getClass($class); $classGenerator = Generator\ClassGenerator::fromReflection($classReflection); $classGenerator->addUse('Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController') ->addUse('Zend\View\Model\ViewModel') ->setExtendedClass('AbstractActionController'); if ($classGenerator->hasMethod($action . 'Action')) { return $this->sendError( "The action $action already exists in controller $controller of module $module." ); } $classGenerator->addMethods(array( new Generator\MethodGenerator( $action . 'Action', array(), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'return new ViewModel();' ), )); $fileGenerator = new Generator\FileGenerator( array( 'classes' => array($classGenerator), ) ); $filter = new CamelCaseToDashFilter(); $phtmlPath = sprintf( '%s/module/%s/view/%s/%s/%s.phtml', $path, $module, strtolower($filter->filter($module)), strtolower($filter->filter($controller)), strtolower($filter->filter($action)) ); if (!file_exists($phtmlPath)) { $contents = sprintf("Module: %s\nController: %s\nAction: %s", $module, $controller, $action); if (file_put_contents($phtmlPath, $contents)) { $console->writeLine(sprintf("Created view script at %s", $phtmlPath), Color::GREEN); } else { $console->writeLine(sprintf("An error occurred when attempting to create view script at location %s", $phtmlPath), Color::RED); } } if (file_put_contents($controllerPath, $fileGenerator->generate())) { $console->writeLine(sprintf('The action %s has been created in controller %s\\Controller\\%s.', $action, $module, $controller), Color::GREEN); } else { $console->writeLine("There was an error during action creation.", Color::RED); } } public function moduleAction() { $console = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('console'); $tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $name = $request->getParam('name'); $path = rtrim($request->getParam('path'), '/'); if (empty($path)) { $path = '.'; } if (!file_exists("$path/module") || !file_exists("$path/config/application.config.php")) { return $this->sendError( "The path $path doesn't contain a ZF2 application. I cannot create a module here." ); } if (file_exists("$path/module/$name")) { return $this->sendError( "The module $name already exists." ); } $filter = new CamelCaseToDashFilter(); $viewfolder = strtolower($filter->filter($name)); $name = ucfirst($name); mkdir("$path/module/$name/config", 0777, true); mkdir("$path/module/$name/src/$name/Controller", 0777, true); mkdir("$path/module/$name/view/$viewfolder", 0777, true); // Create the Module.php file_put_contents("$path/module/$name/Module.php", Skeleton::getModule($name)); // Create the module.config.php file_put_contents("$path/module/$name/config/module.config.php", Skeleton::getModuleConfig($name)); // Add the module in application.config.php $application = require "$path/config/application.config.php"; if (!in_array($name, $application['modules'])) { $application['modules'][] = $name; copy ("$path/config/application.config.php", "$path/config/application.config.old"); $content = <<writeLine("The module $name has been created", Color::GREEN); } else { $console->writeLine("The module $name has been created in $path", Color::GREEN); } } /** * Send an error message to the console * * @param string $msg * @return ConsoleModel */ protected function sendError($msg) { $m = new ConsoleModel(); $m->setErrorLevel(2); $m->setResult($msg . PHP_EOL); return $m; } }