## Task How to specify which fields a user can use as their 'identity' when logging in. ## Solution The configuration directive `auth_identity_fields` is used to control the fields used to look up user identities stored in ZfcUser. You can configure this directive (via your `config/autoload/zfcuser.global.php` override file) to one of four possible modes: 1. Authenticate via email address only: ```php 'auth_identity_fields' => array( 'email' ), ``` 2. Authenticate via username only: ```php 'auth_identity_fields' => array( 'username' ), ``` 3. Authenticate via both methods, with username field checked first: ```php 'auth_identity_fields' => array( 'username', 'email' ), ``` 4. Authenticate via both methods, with email address field checked first: ```php 'auth_identity_fields' => array( 'email', 'username' ), ```