# Migrating to Swagger-PHP v2.x Swagger-PHP 2.x generates a swagger.json file that follows the swagger v2 specification. If you need to output the older 1.2 specification use swagger-php 1.x ## Removed annotations ### @SWG\Resource The concept "Resource" is no longer part of swagger spec. All apis are now listed on swagger.json/paths ### @SWG\Api The closest thing to @SWG\Api is @SWG\Path, but swagger-php 2.x will no longer require the @SWG\Path to group operations. @SWG\Get(path="/api/items") will automaticly gerenerate and merge the operations based on the path. ### @SWG\Operation Although a Operation annotation exists, swagger-php2 requires the use of the shorthand notation based on the http method. So instead of ``` @SWG\Operation(method="get", summary="...")` ``` write ``` @SWG\Get(summary="...") @SWG\Post(summary="...") @SWG\Put(summary="...") ``` etc ### @SWG\Model The closest thing to @SWG\Model is @SWG\Definition, which defines a Schema object that can be referenced from other annotations `@SWG\Schema($ref="#/definitions/$definition")` ### @SWG\Partial Because swagger v2 allowes references, the @SWG\Partial has been removed.